How do I connect a gas bottle to my fireplace?

With the right gas bottle, you can connect the gas bottle easily and safely. First check whether the black rubber ring is present in the nut of the pressure regulator. Then screw the nut of the pressure regulator firmly onto the gas bottle. Use a wrench, hand tight is not sufficient. Do not use force as this may damage the rubber ring. Hold the pressure regulator with the top up when tightening. After connecting, you can open the gas tap of the bottle by hand. Propane gas is non-toxic and heavier than air. In the event of a leak, it will spread on the ground. An odorant has been added so that you can quickly smell a leak.

Connect a gas bottle in 8 steps
1. Check whether the rubber ring is in the connection of the pressure regulator.
2. Screw the nut of the gas pressure regulator onto the gas bottle connection by hand.
3. Tighten the nut with a wrench or water pump pliers, without using force.
4. Place the gas bottle on a flat surface in an upright position.
5. Open the gas tap by hand.
6. Check the connections with some soapy water using a brush.
7. Do you see any bubbles? Then the gas pressure regulator is not properly secured. Repeat the above steps.
8. No bubbles? Now you can ignite the fire table, gas burner or stove.